UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 28)

The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference will convene from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). It will comprise:

  1. the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28);
  2. the fifth meeting of the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 5);
  3. the 18th meeting of the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 18);
  4. the 59th meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 59);
  5. the 59th meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 59).

Learn more here.


Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)